
This kiddo got sick the first Friday of school and missed the second week due to whatever kind of virus that took over!

He had fevers of 102.7-103.9 consistently for an entire week and was down for the count; we went to PCH ER to make sure it wasn't meningitis because he had all the symptoms...that experience was not very fun (parent-dr wise...I don't think they like me all fairness, if the patient is a cardiac patient of your hospital and it's clearly stated in his history not to mention the parent told 3 people before his history and the Cardiologist of record is 2 floors above you and you tell me he has no medical history that would make his heart and/or blood pressure a concern...yeah I am gonna get pretty WTFish)…

Then the poor kid had to be tested for a few things to get some type of answer but everything came back negative, from strep, influenza, valley fever, mono...all the things but no answers.  We took him to Mercy Gilbert to get labs done and holy Lord Almighty, that was an event.  One of which, we laugh at now, but as my sister said, "if you ever wondered if the devil was in him, it definitely came out that day"  Let's just say he was not happy that dad, mom and his aunt were holding him down while the quietest and coolest tech poked him. The phrase of the experience was "get it out of me"... when we walked out of the room, the entire waiting area and employees looked at us like oh my gosh, what happened in there and were all sad for him.  The receptionist gave him a teddy bear that he is still attached too :)

Tyson gets annual cardiac check-ups and we were due to be seen at the end of August but with all that was going on an no answers they were able to push it up earlier and we went in on Friday.  This kid hates all things medical and has such a fear...we wish we could take it away.

But...THANKFULLY his hear is healthy and there is nothing to worry about where that is concerned.  It is the best news we've received in a long time!!

He now has a cold; along with the other little dude in the house so we just need all the germs to go away and the universe to calm itself and get back to normal!!

Schools Started!!

Oh my gosh, I can’t believe these dudes have started 3rd grade.  We always say it, but time is flying by.  And that poor cat...they just won't leave her be...Lol!  This year for the first time will be the in the same class.  Their school has the option of being in classic vs cta; cta is a little more challenging and teaches them a grade level ahead in math.  We both felt they need a little more push and decided to give it a try.  We are hoping that they will do great and if it ends up not being for them, all good we will switch back to classic next year. Since we are all doing cta for the first time, we figured it may be easier transition on everyone, us included, to be in the same class.  Let's hope it was the right decision...these two are competitive as they come and have the best brotherly fights!


It’s Prom night and our girl, as usual, looked stunning! Her date was Juno and they did a great job coordinating their colors.  So pretty!

Prom 2018💚

Senior Pictures

Can’t believe it, but our girl is getting ready to graduate.  Time is flying by...last summer we had the standard senior pictures taken, but I also did a mini shoot with our girl for the graduation announcement.  I am no pro, but we think they turned out pretty good, here’s a few favorites...

Takin’ a hike

A good hike does a body good, especially with the great weather we’re having!! 

Some are bummed that we didn’t get a winter so to speak, but I am thrilled with the warmer weather!! I am such an AZ girl through and through. 

We hiked South Mountain today and had a great time. Tyson is my hiking buddy... he’s got tons of energy and is always on the go, but when we hike together, he’s usually by my side and I love it!

No Hair!

Who knows if I’m going through an early mid-life crisis or I’m just finding my style, but for a while now I had been contemplating cutting off all my hair. 

I finally told my girlfriends about it and they were on board, so much so that they were going to be there if/when it went down! I talked with my sister and mom and they said go for it and then I told the hubs... he never said don’t do it, but I later found out he didn’t think I was going to go through with it...but I did and I LOVE it!! 

My girlfriends and I went down Monday to do it. I had a slight heart attack during the first part, but as she started shaping it, I calmed down. It’s still super shocking, especially to the hubs, but I’m getting used to it and really liking the new do! So easy to maintain and I don’t have to worry about putting it up every day, multiple times a day!!

I fully support everyone cutting their hair off, it’s glorious and liberating!! Lol


Winter football is among us and I forgot how fun it was to watch kids play!! Having the boys on the same team has been a blast and Tyson is seriously in Heaven.  It's his favorite sport and he loves it so much which has me grinning as big as he is every Friday and Saturday!

The boys were the captains for this game! All the kids want to be captain so it was neat for them to do it together.

It was very cold, rainy and windy. Hard to play when you’re not used to the cold weather...they lost their game but still had fun! 

I definitely am not a person who can handle cold weather either...not my style, lol

Hopefully next game will be warmer!! 

Winter Break is Over!!

I think all mom (dads too) can rejoice in the kids going back to school after the long winter break...especially those that stay at home and/or work from home!!!!

I swear mine have been off for a month! I always say I'm going to plan stuff, but it never happens.  This year I am going to do it because working from home and being home all day with the chitlins has made me somewhat bat-**** crazy. haha

So this was me Monday morning...

We did have a good break despite me becoming a little more crazy and finding this little guy in my garage!! (Do not mind the dirty trash is our garage one). He was very much alive and jumped at me when I went to see what all the russling was about...he was trying to escape but couldn't make it to the top.  And yes, I screamed like a girl!

I have become an avid cold brew dang good! The credit goes to an old friend, Greg, who has it on tap at his office.  If only I could get it on tap...

These shenanigans crack me up...

I get women have wipes; but, who knew dudes needed their own butt wipes?! haha

Apparently when dad is napping, is when you take out every single Pokémon card you own and display them on floor...the obsession Tyson has with Pokémon is crazy, we seriously have cards every where in our house! 

I legit split my pants the other night...absolutely hilarious, but embarrassing too...No worries though, I put on my yoga pants immediately! 

And then went to the!!

There are a few insane obsessions and this is one of them...plastic hangers.  It's weird, I know but I love them and they were a great price!! So now I have 150 hangers to replenish the ones that mysteriously go missing each week... it's like socks, they just vanish! 

I did get lots of Auntie time with this one last weekend...oh, she is so dang cute!!  Can't believe she is 9 months old already...seems just like yesterday she was born.

My new binge obsession...Queen of the's about the cartel and it is crazy, thrilling, high tension, scary and sad all in one hour. So good! 

We got these state signs for Christmas: Arizona & Nebraska...I LOVE them!! And yes a portion of my decorations are still's my winter January dé

We ended last week with the boys starting flag football and Tyson is so freaking excited!!! Can't wait to watch them play on Saturday :) 

Goodbye 2017...Hello 2018!!

Happy New Year from the hotel-laxing, too old & too young to make it ‘til midnight crew! 

We took a quick trip to Tucson after all the craziness of the holidays and enjoyed some R&R.  We did lots of hiking, swimming, eating and movie watching. 
It was just what we needed!!

No filters on these...just pure AZ beauty...

Always going off track and having to be a daredevil!

We took the tram up to the #9 stop and then hiked all the way down!! 

Our goofball!!

We stopped at this ostrich/deer/donkey/goat/sheep/bird/rabbit/stingray farm on the way home...
This donkey had me cracking up!!

The deer were so cute

This ostrich went after Rob's cup when he held it too high...scared the crap out of us!

The cup and food flying...due to being scared...haha

Oh the sweet cute, bunnies!! 

These birds would take the lid right off and eat the nectar! 

This area was hilarious!! The goats just had their heads through the looks like it's going to eat my!

Our New Years was nothing fancy, but it was full of memories and lots of fun! Here's to a great 2018.  Tomorrow we pick up our girl from the airport!!! 

Happy 2018!